Saturday, February 21, 2009

CDC Silent Auction Fund Raiser!

Ok so Ashley Bader, Miss Northern British Columbia, stopped by to tell us about the CDC talent show. This year she has chosen the CDC as her charity of choice and will be hosting a silent auction the night of the Talent Show showcasing many different local talents.

This is the 35th annual Talent Show for the CDC and they are currently raising funds for "Project Build a Fort" which is their building expansion project. At present the CDC serces over 450 children per year and that number continues to rise.

We came up with the idea that it would be neat to showcase the talent of so many of you who craft, so what the plan is to have as many of you as choose to, bring in a handmade card or something equivelant that we can add to a collection of small handmade projects that can be auctioned off at the Talent Show.

If you are interested or have any questions please just email me at

Please have your items turned in by end of business day on March 5th so we can get them all ready and into the show! Also Shannon asked that if you would include your name and perhaps a bit about why you love this craft so that they can showcase the many talents of the community it would be great!

So put your creativitiy to work and lets see what we can all come up with for such a great organization!


PS for more information about the CDC check out their website @

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