I’ve been having fun scrapping the smaller 2” x 3” size photos lately.
You can get them developed through Unforgettable Memories BUT when you order each mini photo it comes on its own 4” x 6” photo with three other identical photos. I don’t mind scrapping the same photo 4 times once in a while ~ I’ve even used all four photos on the same layout like I did here...
But if you want to have 4 different mini photos on that 4” x 6” it’s easy to do using the free collages at
Picnik.com. Breanna showed me how to do it ~ she’s eleven. You don’t even need to sign up to create them. Just go to www.picnik.com and click on the ‘start picnicking’ link in the top right hand corner of your screen.
On the next screen you will see the collage tab right above the yellow balloon. Click on it.
You will make selections on the left hand side of the screen. The default collage is the 4 photo collage which is what we want so move on down to the ‘spacing’ section. I like to drag the bar to the far left so there is no space between my photos. I’ll matte them later with white cardstock.
Below the spacing section is the ‘proportions’ section. The default is 50:50, but we want 40:60 if we’re working with 4 vertical photos or 60:40 with horizontal photos. You can’t mix up horizontal and vertical on the same 4x6 without losing some of your picture. The picture below shows you what your screen will look like with 4 vertical photos and no spacing between them.
Now we can start uploading our photos. On the green strip at the bottom of the page you can see the ‘upload a photo’ button. Click on it and then scroll to your first photo in the window that pops up. When the photo has finished loading (it may take a few seconds if it’s a large file) it will appear in a box in the very bottom left hand corner of your screen. Simply drag it onto your collage. Now upload another photo. Drag it onto the collage when it is ready. Repeat 2 more times and your collage will be full.
Your collage is complete. Now you need to save it back to your computer so you can upload it to Unforgettable Memories for developing. Click on the ‘Done’ button located towards the top on the right hand side of your screen. You will be taken to the Create tab which is a really fun place to play, but today we just want to save, so click on the ‘Save & Share’ tab on the top right of your screen.
It saves as a .jpg by default so all you need to do is put in a File Name in place of ‘Picnik Collage’. Click the ‘Save Photo’ button and tell it where to save on your computer.
Now you’re ready to upload that photo of 4 images to Unforgettable Memories. An hour later you can pick up your pictures, as well as any supplies you might need to scrap them and you’re all set.
If you have any questions on this 'how to' please leave a comment.