Thursday, April 17, 2008

Check out Adornit!

Ang has been busy getting all the new things out on the shelves today.....and I was excited and couldn't wait any longer to open the new boxes that came this morning.....I was just going to open and peek but then I couldn't resist and unpacked the goodies from the new release of Carollee's Creations. They've got a new line of papers & stickers perfect for those outdoors activities, even one just for quading!!! And I love their new laser cut chipboard albums! Check out the Boot! We also have word ones with textured acrylic pages in them too for SNOW, FAMILY, LAUGH and NATURE! We have some great new page kits from them too! GOODIES, GOODIES!!! All sorts of fun stuff :)

OK So I was trying to upload som pictures and I'm getting impatient because I want to tell you guys about this fun new line so either I or Ang will try and upload some of the pictures later today....better yet just come by and check it out!!!
See you soon!

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